Hi, I am


CS Theory PhD Candidate @ UIUC


Hello, my name is Christian and I am a PhD candidate at UIUC working in CS Theory. I am a formerly trained aerospace engineer who spent some time working in control systems and guidance algorithm development. My path to get here has been a bit weird but I am currently having fun at UIUC working on computational geometry and topology problems with my great advisor Jeff Erickson.


As above, I work with Jeff Erickson on algorithm questions largely within the domains of computational geometry and computational topology. We have spent time thinking about a few problems, some of which are stated below:

Morphing between isomorphic graph embeddings on spheres.

Recent paper on this topic accepted for SoCG ’25.

Fast algorithms for solving systems of hyperbolic partial differential equations using carefully formed spacetime simplices in up to \(\mathbb{E}^3 \times \mathbb{R}\), capable of adaptive error control. Distributed implementation written in C++ using MPI + pthreads

I enjoy theoretical computer science more broadly, especially enjoying usage of randomness in algorithms and its further reaching implications in the limits of what can be computed. I also have a fondness for more general graph algorithms.


  • Adaptive Spacetime Meshing in 3d x Time for Causal Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin Solvers
    • With Jeff Erickson, Bob Haber, Amit Madhukar, Reza Abedi
    • 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics [2021]
  • Causal Meshing in up to \(\mathbb{E}^3 \times \mathbb{R}\) for parallel-adaptive spacetime discontinuous Galerkin solvers
    • With Jeff Erickson, Bob Haber, Amit Madhukar, Reza Abedi
    • 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics [2020]
  • Tent Pitching Meshes for Causal Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin Solvers
    in 3d x Time
    • With Jeff Erickson, Bob Haber, Amit Madhukar, Reza Abedi
    • 15th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics [2019]


  • Talk on Towards Morphing Geodesic Graphs on the Sphere [PDF]
    • Invited talk at Saint Louis University [2023]  
  • Talk on Foundations of Data Science book [PDF]
    • Theory Summer Reading Group [2020]


As of now, I have been a teaching assistant (TA) to a handful of cs theory courses, such as:


Sometimes when I have the time and motivation, I write about some fun problems or ideas. You can find some of the things I have written below:


Like anyone, I have a variety of other interests or things I am involved with. Here are a list of some of them:

  • Letters to a Pre-Scientists pen-pal
    • Involved from Fall 2021 to Spring 2022
  • Drawing/Art
  • Programming [Github]
  • Cooking
  • Correlation One Terminal Competition
    • * = Placed in top three
    • Participated Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021*, Fall 2021
  • Exploring the outdoors
    • especially with my furry companions